Friday, April 20, 2012

Titanic is a Grave

Over the past week I've read a few online articles about the divide amongst historians, archaeologists, etc. about whether the Titanic is a grave or not. While I make absolutely no claim as to belong to any such group, I felt that I should at least voice my opinion.

In my mind, there's no question that there were bodies down there. The laced up shoes and other artifacts that align themselves to a bodily shape didn't just land that way by coincidence. Also, the fact that the shoes were laced up should be an indicator. If no one had them on, then why were they laced up?

Also, there had to have been people trapped inside the sinking ship. All of the workers keeping the lights on and performing other tasks at their stations to aid in the potential rescue of passengers probably didn't make it out. Out of the more than 1,500 deaths, you're not telling me that not even one of them was trapped inside the ship.

Some try to say that the current carried the bodies farther south, and that most of the victims were carried far away from the site. That may be the case, but if only one person either landed in the wreck site or was trapped within the ship itself, then in my mind the wreck is a grave. It doesn't matter if it's for one or the masses, it is still a grave.

Even if the those same people are correct, which I highly doubt, and not a single body ever rested at that sight. Then Titanic becomes a symbolic grave. Many of those that died that night have no other memorial. The ship itself is the only marker that they have. After all, if the ship wasn't down there then they would have lived beyond that night.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that the wreck is a grave and it should be treated with due respect.

As always, thanks for reading.

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